Digital Services

As a leading governance and board services firm we combine professional advice with world class digital assessments, surveys and services. In light of global changes we deliver best of breed digital services to support reviews and assessments. These are affordable, validated, benchmarked and lead to world class governance.
Board Effectiveness Survey
A well-structured benchmarked board assessment will identify areas of strength and areas where improvements can be made across the 20 most important dimensions of a board’s effectiveness. The review also sets an important baseline from which the impact of subsequent improvement initiatives can be measured.
Our benchmarked Board Effectiveness Report clearly depicts our unique What/Who/How/Do framework including the 20 factors and some of the survey items we use to benchmark the effectiveness of your board.
1. Board Role Clarity Index
2. Board Composition and Renewal Index
3. Chair leadership
4. Committee leadership
5. Performance management of the Board
6. Boardroom dynamics
7. Board delegations
8. Board/CEO relationship
9. Board/Management relationship
10. Information management
11. Meeting management
Board Process Index
12. Vision and strategy
13. Board priorities
14. Organisational performance
15. Organisational culture and integrity
16. Risk management and compliance
17. Executive talent and succession
18. Executive remuneration
19. Continuous improvement
20. Adds organisational value
Board Tasks Index
Highly reliable, high integrity and ethics, independence of mind, sound judgement, thorough, relates well to others
Constructive in a team, adds new perspectives, good group problem solver, presents views well, deals well with conflict, fully supports decisions
Sets a good example, insists on high standards, displays strategic thinking, can be decisive, influences direction and purpose, good ambassador
Understands oversight versus management, financially literate, understand legal duties, oversights risks, understands the business, its major challenges and drivers of success
Director Effectiveness Survey
A well-structured review that is appropriately positioned as important for the ongoing development and growth of directors and that is conducted in a constructive way has benefits to the individual directors, the board and their organisation. Gaps will almost certainly be identified and made visible in the self-awareness, attitudes, behaviours, commitment, teamwork, focus and skills of directors.
Our Director Effectiveness Report shows the survey items we use in relation to each of the four dimensions that are important to a director’s effectiveness and the valuable perspectives our reports provide.